
Homegrown products are a fusion of natural materials that nourish us and keep us warm. Our vegetable dyes are harvested from plants grown on our farm, and our fibers come from the fleece of local sheep, and USDA organic cotton. Homegrown products are homespun, handcrafted and dyed- in- the- wool.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Socrates Greenmarket

A trip to the green­mar­ket at Socrates Sculp­ture Park is a great way to spend a Saturday…nature, art and fresh local pro­duce. We took advan­tage of the veg­etable and flower offer­ings from J. Gle­bocki and Lucky Dog Farms. Dyes were made from sun­flower, zin­nia, fen­nel and onion skins!

1 comment:

  1. fantastic....just found your blog. I am an Eco-dyer from London. I use natural flowers, leaves etc to dye natural materials (taught by India Flint..have heard about her?). Love what l see you doing. ..has given me all sorts of ideas. great to see other people doing similar things. My Art blog is http://tryingtocreatearteveryday.blogspot.com
    Lynda. x
