
Homegrown products are a fusion of natural materials that nourish us and keep us warm. Our vegetable dyes are harvested from plants grown on our farm, and our fibers come from the fleece of local sheep, and USDA organic cotton. Homegrown products are homespun, handcrafted and dyed- in- the- wool.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Textile Lab In Dumbo

Below are pictures of the collaborative textile that we worked on at the Dumbo Arts Festival. It is  a felted construction made from local wool and reclaimed textiles.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dumbo Arts Festival This Saturday!

See the Textile Lab at the Dumbo Arts Festival this Saturday 9/24 from 2-5 pm. We will be in the Tobacco Warehouse on Water St working on a giant collaborative felted textile! The textile is made from local, naturally dyed wool, and reclaimed textiles.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Smorgasburg Is For Foodies

Great food can be found at the Smor­gas­burg mar­ket located on the Williams­burg water­front. There are food pur­vey­ors from all over the city sell­ing pre­pared and pack­aged foods. GrowNYC has a stand, and we met veg­etable pro­duc­ers from The Brook­lyn Grange. We used their sage to make dye along with cab­bage from Health­way Farms…thanks Farmer Joe! There are pic­tures below of Dave from GrowNYC and Emilia, who learned how to spin yarn when she was a lit­tle girl in her home­land of North­ern Italy. Emilia has been a res­i­dent in Williams­burg since 1962 and she fre­quents the Smor­gas­burg market.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Textile Lab At Smorgasburg

Join Tex­tile Lab this Sat­ur­day 9/17 at the Williams­burg Green­mar­ket. We will be there from 12pm-5pm. The mar­ket is a part­ner­ship with Smor­gas­burg a Brook­lyn Flea food mar­ket! For more info visit:  http://www.brooklynflea.com/

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Textile Lab Meets Columbia!

We had an enjoy­able and pro­duc­tive day at the busy Colum­bia Green­mar­ket! We cre­ated dyes using cab­bage from Stan­nard Farm.  We also found some mint and rose­mary to make dye with from Monks­hood Nurs­ery.  Many peo­ple stopped by the lab, includ­ing tex­tile fanatic Ruby who was spin­ning yarn with us (pic­tured below).

Friday, September 9, 2011

See Textile Lab At Columbia!

The Tex­tile Lab will be at the Colum­bia Green­mar­ket on Sun­day 9/11 from 10am-5pm. We will have the yarns we dyed with the plants from the last mar­ket visit! Join us for some nat­ural dye­ing, spin­ning and knit­ting with local mate­ri­als from the market!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Welcome To Inwood!

The Inwood community welcomed Textile Lab on Saturday at the GrowNYC Greenmarket! We created dyes with fennel, celery, zinnia and cilantro from J Glebocki Farm. We talked to many residents from the neighborhood including a professional textile dyer, Rosanna Maher and Jane Herman, who is a textile artist. You can see a picture of one of Jane's beautiful felted textiles that she retrieved from her studio to show us!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Textile Lab Visits Inwood This Saturday!

Join Textile Lab this Saturday (9/3) from 10am-3pm at the Inwood greenmarket at Isham and Cooper Streets. We are expecting  plenty of sunshine,  as we collect plants, make dyes and knit and spin local wool and alpaca fibers!